Execute DDL Scripts Manually to the Target Database

The user can execute the DDL scripts (for Target and Staging) manually to apply the scripts in their respective databases. The ODS Utility allows the user to download the DDLs (.zip folder for both Target and Staging) after processing the Run for all Run Types (i.e when the Run status is in the ChangeLogComplete for Install / Initial / Subsequent / Alias Run / Rollback Run Types).


To apply scripts manually, the user should make sure that the application information is available in the ODSAPIINFO table of ODS Model (ODS application) database.

The information should include: Base URI, user credentials (userid and password) for the ODS application and information of oracle wallet(wallet path and wallet password) which contains the ssl certificate(s) for ODS application. The user can insert or update this information with the script as shown in the example below.

exec PKG_ENCRYPTDECRYPT.CREATE_API_ENTRY('https://localhost:9091/ODSJava', 'qatester3', 'qatester3', 'c:\oracle\wallet', 'odsw@113t');



Always Run the Target scripts first and then run the Staging scripts. If Staging Scripts are executed first, then the Run status will be updated for Staging DDLs execution as Complete, but there will be no target scripts applied in the Reporting schema.

Steps to Execute DDL Scripts Manually

  1. Create a Run (Install / Initial / Subsequent / Alias ) in the ODS UI. A Run is created with Run status as Pending.
  2. Click Process, the DDL scripts are generated for the Run Type and the Run status will be updated to ChangeLogComplete.
  3. Click Download, the DDLs (both Target and Staging scripts) are downloaded in a (.zip) folder.
  4. Run the Target scripts in the Target DB Client. On successful application of Target DDLs to the Target database, the Run status will be updated as StagingPending in database and in the ODS Utility UI.
    • In case the execution fails with the changes applied partially in the Target DB, then the Run status will be updated as ChangesPartiallyApplied. In this case, the user can either retry by downloading and executing the scripts again or can Rollback the Run from the UI.
    • If execution fails without any changes applied in the Target DB, then the status will be updated as ExecutionFailed. In this case, the user can retry by executing the downloaded scripts.
  5. Run the Staging scripts in the Staging DB Client. On successful application of Staging DDLs to the Staging database, the Run status will be updated as Complete in database and in the ODS Utility UI.

1. The Staging scripts should be executed to apply in the Staging database only when the Run status   is in StagingPending.

2. Click the Refresh button on the UI to view the latest execution status of the scripts.




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